The rules of participation follow guidelines of formal quality for scientific journals mentioned in databases MEDLINE, SSCI (ISI), PSYCINFO (APA), EBSCO, LATINDEX, PSICODOC and ISOC (CSIC).



  • The articles must be original and unedited, and not pending publication in any other media.

  • The subject of the articles must focus on Transpersonal Psychology and/or Psychotherapy or be related in the scope of practice or theory.



The drafts will follow the publication rules of the American Psychological Association (APA) that are collected in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.

The articles will be written in the New Times Roman style, font size 12, double spacing and in a compatible Word format (*.doc).

The suggested word limit of the paper is 6.000 words (including abstract, acknowledgements, tables, figures, formulas, notes, references and annexes).  It can be longer if approved by the editor.

The articles will be redacted in Spanish or English and must contain material that is unpublished and has not been presented for publication in any other media.

The article's structure should follow this order:

  1. Article title and subtitle: It must be representative of the article's contents and must be as specific as possible in both Spanish and English.
  2. Authors: Must be clearly identified including name, surname, and the author's institutional affiliation or place of work. A contact email address is also required. Besides this an additional brief professional bio needs to appear after references.
  3. Abstract: Each article must be preceded by a summary in Spanish and English, with a maximum of 150 words per language. The subject of investigation, the aim of the research, the methodology applied, and the results and conclusion must be stated in a clear and concise manner. It is advisable that this section be written after the article is finished.
  4. Key words: There must be a maximum of five key words in both Spanish and English. These words must accurately represent the article contents, as they will serve in the classification and orientation of searches.
  5. Main text:
    • The article may be written in Spanish or English.
    • The text construction is open.
    • The following structure must be followed in the case of works of empirical investigation:
      • Introduction: The aim of the research must be clearly stated. A general description of the subject must be addressed in the article. The original and unedited work should attempt to answer new questions and/or bring new information into the field of study. It is assumed that a previous review of relevant literature has been undertaken. Previous and related work must also be cited.
      • Method: It is a description of the research procedures. Consulted sources, materials and methods used may be cited here.
      • Results: This section presents the evidence found by the investigation.
      • Discussion: A commentary that includes the connection between the introduction (aim of the investigation) and the results obtained, comparing possible links with other research.
      • Conclusions: Will include a brief explanation of the research’s contribution to the field of study, and possible further study to continue or complete the current investigation.
      • Footnotes: Though preferably not used, they may contain additional text, not bibliographical references. Numbers will indicate footnotes in the corresponding text and their text will appear at the bottom of the text after the references, under the title “Footnotes”.
      • Quotes: Generally of texts that support or explain a hypothesis.
      • If the quote is brief it must be included in the main text between inverted commas or with a different style of lettering to distinguish it from the rest of the text. If the quote takes up more than four lines of the original paragraph it shall be quoted as a separate paragraph with smaller lettering, small interlinear spacing and no commas. Check current APA edition quidelines for quote usage.
      • Primary quotes: The author of the text is the only reference. As there is no consensus regarding the use of these kinds of quotes, there is no specific presentation format. It is advisable to be as exact as possible when referring to the origin of the quote (conferences, recordings, interviews, notes, conversations, etc.).
      • Secondary quotes: Published and citable materia
  • Bibliographical references will include surname of the author and the year of publication, both between parenthesis. E.g. (Callanan and Kelley, 1992).
  • If the name is part of the text, only the year of publication will appear between parenthesis. E.g. Puchalski and Romer (2000).
  • If there are two or more references they will be in alphabetical order. E.g. López and Terrada (1992) and Puchalski and Romer (2000). Or (López and Terrada, 1992; Puchalski and Romer, 2000).
  • If the reference has more than two but less than six authors, all the names will appear the first time.  In the following times only the first author's name is listed, followed by “et al.” E.g. Salmon, Manzi and Valori (1996). After, Salmon et al. (1996).
  • If there are six or more authors it will always be referenced with the first author, followed by “et al”. E.g. Payás et al. (2006).
  • If there are various references of the same author/s from the same year, the letters a, b, c,.. will be added to the date. E.g. Frankl (1999b).
  • If literal references are to be included (this is not obligatory for non-literal quotes) the page number must be included. E.g. Grof (2006, p.54), Grof (2006, pp. 5-10).
  • Avoid the phrase “cited in”. Use: “As Prieto says” (Bornatxea, 2007), instead of : (Prieto, cited from Bornatxea, 2007).
  • The words “Ibid” or “op. cit” must not introduce repeated quotes. The quotes must be used as they were used previously in the text.
  • “E.g.” is only to be used when indicating “for example” when referencing related examples from a previous text. “I.e” is only to indicate “this is”.
  • For quotes based on notes from the text of origin, it will be indicated with the letter “n”, period, and the number of note, or notes if varying. E.g. (Cabodevilla, 2007, n. 4, 8).
  • If the quote is from an article in press or in preparation, textual references, dates or page numbers, it should be indicated. E.g. (Payás, in press).
  • If the quote is of a re-edited or translated work, the publishing year to reference is of the work used, not the original. E.g. (Wilber, 2007).
  • If the quote is in a different language to the main text, it must be translated and indicated in the following manner: E.g. (Freud, 1923, p. 145, own translation).
  1. Acknowledgments: Any acknowledgments will be placed at the end of the main text. Names and institutional affiliation of those acknowledged must appear, as well as the type of contribution provided.
  2. References: In alphabetical order, only those referenced in the text.
    • Books: Author (surname, comma, initials and period. If there are various authors they are to be separated by commas and putting “and” before the last author); year (between parenthesis) and period; complete title in cursive and period; city of publication and two points; editorial. E.g. Fremantle, F. and Chögyam, T. (1975). The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Boston: Shambhala.
    • Chapters: Author(s) of the chapter; year; chapter title; names of the directors/coordinators of the book, putting the initials and the surname. Following the chapter title, “in,” then the main authors of the book, then “ed”(s) must be stated between parenthesis, if they are the editors. Book title in cursive, first and last page of the chapter between parenthesis putting before it the abbreviation “pp.”; city where published, two points; editorial. E.g. Arranz, P. and Cancio, H. (2000). Counselling: Communication skills with the oncology patient, in F. Gil (ed.), Psico-oncology Manual, (pp. 39-56), Madrid: Nova Sidonia.
    • Journals: Author(s); year, article title and period; complete journal title in cursive followed by a comma; volume (without the word “volume” or “vol.”) and  number of the journal (in parentheses)and comma; first and last page of the article. E.g. Bayés, R. and Borrás, F.X. (2005). ¿What are the spiritual needs?. Palliative Medicine, 12 (2), 99-107.
  3. Figures and tables: Tables show data and figures show graphics. They are to be sequentially numbered with an appropriate heading, at the end of the paper, after references. While in the text there will be a note specifying the location of each table or figure.




Figure 1. Psychosocial factors associated to risky behaviors.


  1. Appendices: Complementary but essential material will be in this section. Identification will be done with a number. If there is only one, without number. E.g. “Annex II”.



The articles must be sent together with a short professional bio to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., indicating a contact email address. A receipt notice will be issued for original articles sent.



The articles will be evaluated according to the following:

  • Current and pertinent subject or thesis

  • Adequacy of the author's reflections

  • Rigor, veracity and scientific quality of the data

  • Clarity and quality of the writing.

  • Originality of the manuscript

  • Compliance of the article redaction norms

The article and an evaluation form will be sent to two reviewers of the editorial board, according to the double blind system. The reviewer will not know the author, and the author will receive comments anonymously from the reviewers.

After 180 days, notice of acceptance, rejection or modification will be communicated to the author.