The Journal of Transpersonal Research  format complies with guidelines described by the IEDCYT (CSIC) for the edition of scientific journals[1].



The articles published in this journal primarily cover science and investigation within the transpersonal psychological discipline, although work from other disciplines that are related to psychology and/or psychotherapy through the transpersonal dimension can be included.

The journal's objective is the diffusion, presentation and discussion of newly generated investigations on the theoretical, and more importantly, on the experimental levels of the transpersonal field, including new knowledge related to the transpersonal dimension.

It is designed for readers who are exploring the spiritual dimension of the human being as an essential element, along with the biological, psychological and social dimensions.



All work must imply a scientific interest. This can be:

  • Theoretical papers

  • Empirical investigations (quantitative and qualitative)

  • Congressional articles



  • The coverage of this journal is international; any person from any country may participate.

  • The publication languages are Spanish and English.






  • This journal is available in print and electronic format

  • The articles of this journal are provided in complete text and with free access on-line

  • For subscription and shipping of the print version contact the editorial team



The management of the articles means:

  • Open editorial: two thirds of the editorial board is unrelated to the editorial entity.

  • Open authors: at least 50% of the articles published come from authors external to the editorial entity.

  • Selection of originals: To maintain the author's anonymity, the double blind system of assessment includes sending the original work and an evaluation form to two reviewers on the editorial board without the author´s name. As the reviewers are blind to the author´s name, the reviewers' comments are also presented to the author blindly or without name. 

  • The author will be informed within 180 days if his/her article has been accepted, rejected, or accepted with modifications.



  • Originality: All published articles must be original and previously unedited. Publication in the Journal of Transpersonal Research results in the author receiving the copyright for the article. Authorization by the author is required for any person wishing to totally or partially reproduce any of the articles published, whether in the original or translated version.

  • Responsibility: The opinions, language and content of the articles published in the Journal are exclusively the responsibility of the authors; the authors are responsible for obtaining the corresponding permission to include material from any other publication.

  • Intellectual property: The subject generator of the rights of Intellectual Property is the author, utilizing their intellectual activity to transform thoughts, possibilities, perceptions and ideas into specific work, acquiring by this creative act the ownership of the set of moral and patrimonial rights established by the laws that regulate Intellectual Property (Royal Legislative Decree 1/96, 12 April, Consolidated Text from the Law of Intellectual Property).

[1] Román, A. et. al, (2001). La edición de revistas científicas: guía de buenos usos. Madrid: Centro de Información y Documentación Científica CINDOC (CSIC).