Effects of Holotropic Breathwork in Personal Orientation, Levels of Distress, Meaning of Life and Death Anxiety in the Context of a Weeklong Workshop: A Pilot Study

Iker Puente

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馃嚞馃嚙: Effects of Holotropic Breathwork in Personal Orientation, Levels of Distress, Meaning of Life and Death Anxiety in the Context of a Weeklong Workshop: A Pilot Study

馃嚜馃嚫: Efectos de la Respiraci贸n Holotr贸pica en la Orientaci贸n Personal, Nivel de Malestar, Sentido en la Vida y Ansiedad Ante la Muerte en el Contexto de un Taller Residencial Semanal: un Estudio Piloto

Author/Autor: Iker Puente
Language/Idioma: English


The purpose of the present study was to explore the effects of Holotropic Breathwork (HB), on levels of distress, meaning of life, death anxiety and personal orientation in a young adult sample in the context of a weeklong workshop, and also the subjective effects and persistent effects of HB. A single group, Pre-Post test design, with three follow-ups (1, 6 months and 12 months after the workshop) was used. A total of 29 subjects, aged 18-35 years, participated in the study. The tests used were the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), the Purpose in Life Test (PIL), the Death Anxiety Scale (DAS), the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI), the States of Consciousness Questionnaire (SCQ) and the Brief Persisting Effects Questionnaire (BPEQ). Measures were taken before and after the workshop (four weeks, and 6 months later, for the BSI, PLT, POI and DAS, and 12 months after, for the BPEQ) and during the workshop (for the SCQ). No significant differences were found one month after the workshop. Significant increases of Temporal Competency scale, and in 5 subscales of the PEQ were found six months after the weeklong workshop. HB also occasioned mystical-type or peak experiences in 6 participants. At 12 months, volunteers rated the HB experience as having substantial personal meaning and spiritual significance, and attributed to the experience an increase of personal wellbeing and life satisfaction.


El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal explorar los efectos de la respiraci贸n holotr贸pica (RH), en el nivel de malestar subjetivo, percepci贸n del sentido de la vida, ansiedad ante la muerte y la orientaci贸n personal en una muestra de adultos j贸venes en el contexto de un taller residencial de una semana de duraci贸n, as铆 como los efectos subjetivos y los efectos persistentes de la RH. Se utiliz贸 un dise帽o Pre-Post de medidas repetidas (realizadas 1 6 y 12 meses despu茅s del taller de RH) y de grupo 煤nico. Un total de 29 sujetos, de entre 18-35 a帽os, particip贸 en el estudio. Las pruebas utilizadas fueron el Inventario Breve de S铆ntomas (IBS), el Purpose in Life Test (PLT), la Escala de Ansiedad Ante la Muerte (EAAM), el Inventario de Orientaci贸n Personal (IOP), el Cuestionario de Estados de Conciencia (CEC) y Cuestionario Breve de Efectos Persistentes (CBEP). Las medidas fueron tomadas antes y despu茅s del taller (cuatro semanas y 6 meses m谩s tarde, para la IBS, PLT, IOP y el EAAM, y 12 meses despu茅s, para el CBEP) y durante el taller (para el CEC). No se encontraron diferencias significativas un mes despu茅s del taller. Se encontraron aumentos significativos en la escala Competencia Temporal, y en 5 subescalas del IOP seis meses despu茅s del taller. La RH tambi茅n ocasion贸 experiencias cumbre y/o de car谩cter m铆stico en 6 participantes. A los 12 meses, la experiencia de la RH es frecuentemente valorada por los voluntarios como personal y espiritualmente significativa, y se le atribuye un aumento del bienestar personal y la satisfacci贸n vital.

Keywords/Palabras Clave:

馃嚞馃嚙: Holotropic Breathwork, meaning of life, death anxiety, personal orientation, mystical experience, persistent effects

馃嚜馃嚫: Respiraci贸n Holotr贸pica, sentido de la vida, ansiedad ante la muerte, orientaci贸n personal, experiencia m铆stica, efectos persistentes

Pages/Paginas: 49-63
Date of Publication/Fecha de Publicacion: June 30th, 2014

Puente, I. (2014). Effects of Holotropic Breathwork in personal orientation, levels of distress, meaning of life and death anxiety. Journal of Transpersonal Research, 6(1), 49-63