A Quasi-Experimental Study of Holorenic Breathwork in a Psychotherapeutical Context: Preliminary Results

Iker Puente

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馃嚞馃嚙: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Holorenic Breathwork in a Psychotherapeutical Context: Preliminary Results

馃嚜馃嚫: Un estudio cuasi-experimental sobre Respiraci贸n Holor茅nica en un contexto psicoterap茅utico: resultados preliminares

Author/Autor: Iker Puente
Language/Idioma: Espa帽ol


The purpose of the present study was to explore the effects of Holorenic Breathwork (HrnB), a prolonged, voluntary hyperventilation procedure, on certain personality properties, meaning of life and levels of distress. A total of 62 subjects, aged 18-35 years, were compared using a repeated measures design. The experimental group (N=31) participated for the first time in a workshop where the hyperventilation procedure was used. Measures were taken before and after the workshop (one week and one month later). The control group subjects (N=31) did not receive any alternative treatment. The tests used were the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCLR-90), the Purpose in Life Test (PLT) and the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI-R). In the experimental group, there was a significant reduction in the Global Severity Index of the SCL-R-90, and a significant increase in the meaning of life (PLT), Self-directedness, Cooperativeness and Self-transcendence (TCI-R) one week and one month after the workshop.


El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal explorar los efectos de la Respiraci贸n Holor茅nica (RHrn) en el nivel de malestar subjetivo, percepci贸n del sentido de la vida y ciertas caracter铆sticas de la personalidad. La Respiraci贸n Holor茅nica es una t茅cnica voluntaria y prolongada de hiperventilaci贸n. Se compararon un total de 62 sujetos, de entre 18-35 a帽os, usando un dise帽o de medidas repetidas. El grupo experimental (N=31) particip贸 por primera vez en un taller en el que se empleaba la t茅cnica de hiperventilaci贸n. El grupo control (N=31) no recibi贸 ning煤n tratamiento alternativo. Los instrumentos empleados fueron el Inventario de S铆ntomas- Revisado (SCL-R-90), el Purpose in Life Test (PLT) y el Inventario de Temperamento y Car谩cter-Revisado (TCI-R). Los resultados del estudio mostraron una reducci贸n significativa en el 脥ndice de Severidad Global del SCL-R-)0, y un aumento significativo en el sentido de la vida (PLT), Autodirecci贸n, Cooperaci贸n y Autotrascendencia (TCI-R), una semana y un mes despu茅s del taller.

Keywords/Palabras Clave:

馃嚞馃嚙: Holorenic Breathwork, hyperventilation, personality, meaning of life, self-transcendence

馃嚜馃嚫: Respiraci贸n Holor茅nica, hiperventilaci贸n, personalidad, sentido en la vida, auto-transcendencia

Pages/Paginas: 7-18
Date of Publication/Fecha de Publicacion: December 30th, 2013

Puente, I. (2013). A quasi-experimental study of Holorenic Breathwork in a psychotherapeutical context: Preliminary results. Journal of Transpersonal Research, 5(2), 7-18