The International Transpersonal Association Announces the 17th International Transpersonal Conference

Harris Friedman and Glenn Hartelius

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🇬🇧: The International Transpersonal Association Announces the 17th International Transpersonal Conference1

🇪🇸: La Asociación Transpersonal Internacional Anuncia el XVII Congreso Internacional Transpersonal

Author/Autor: Harris Friedman and Glenn Hartelius
Language/Idioma: English
Pages/Paginas: 122-124
Date of Publication/Fecha de Publicacion: December 30th, 2009

Friedman, H. & Hartelius, G. (2009). The International Transpersonal Association announces the 17th International Transpersonal Conference. Journal of Transpersonal Research, 1(2), pp 122-124